
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Eleanor Roosevelt Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Eleanor Roosevelt was a honest personwho had responsibility and lenience towards herhusband , family and her fellow man, whatever their socialstatus. She used nifty citizenship and opening actions indealing with anyone who was fortunate enough to make heracquaintance. Eleanor Roosevelt is an outspoken supportof social justice. During the years she has taken over a lotof responsibility. For individual who spent the start-off third ofher life as shy and timid, she showed great endurance onceshe was thrust into the presidential spotlight. MostAmericans considered her a square American Hero.Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, I nowannounce the presence of our first lady of the UnitedStates, Eleanor Roosevelt, is something similar to whatyou would hear when being addressed at a pressconference or important meetings. She was a riserespected human being, achieving great duties andresponsibility in life. She was appointed by President JohnF. Kennedy to be on the first peace army corps advisory board.She was such an active lady while her husband was inoffice that she was no longer willing to stay quietly in thebackground of her husband. She took a job as an editorand advertising coach of a monthly publication TheWomens democratic News where she became muchindependent towards herself and work. Eleanor Rooseveltbecame very involved in women issues, being that she also get together the newly organized Womens division of the NewYork State Democratic party and moved swiftly intopositions of leadership. Not only was she responsibleamong organizations and people, she later became herhusband, Franklin D. Roosevelts eyes and ears, dedicatingher life to his purposes, being a trusted and unfailingreporter. One of the reasons she did become so helpfultowards her husbands career was besides the accompaniment that shewas the first lady, Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken witha disease called polio and caused him to be for goodcrippled in August of 1921. She then became even more allegiant to him and our country having to deal with peoplefrom different nations, organizations and positions. Whilethe President struggled to rule the use of his legs, EleanorRoosevelt and Louis Howe joined forces to keep hispolitical and business contacts alive. She became a goodly voice for youth employment and civil right... ...ucan remember how she showed great compassion to herwork and life. How loyal she was to the people of ournation. What great responsibilitys she consummated andwhat respect she gave and received from and to so many.Works Cited Diller, Daniel C. & Robertson, Stephen .L The Presidents, prototypic Ladies and wrong Presidents. Libraryof Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 1959. CollierEncyclopedia Copyright 1989 Cook, Blanche Wiesen Eleanor Roosevelt intensity One New York Vikking 1992Eleanor Roosevelt This is My Story New York Harper &Bros., 1937 On My feature New York Harper & Bros.,1949 Http//personalweb.smcvt.edu/smahady/er cover.htmlLash, Joseph P. Eleanor and Franklin The Story of TheirRelationship Based on Eleanor Roosevelts Private Papers.New York W.W. Norton, 1971 Lash, Joseph P. EleanorRoosevelt A friends Memoir. Garden City, N.Y LorenaHickok Eleanor Roosevelt Reluctan First Lady NewYork Dodd, Mead 1962WWW.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/ar32.htmlWWW.geocites.com/collegepark/library/4142/childhood.htmlYoungs , J. Williams T. Eleanor Roosevelt A Personal aPublic Life Boston Little, Brown, 1985

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